[VIDEO] Investing for Retirement: Part 1 – Your Saving Years
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We all know that saving money for retirement is critical to living comfortably when your working years are over.  But for many, what proves to be more complicated is understanding how to invest those savings so our money can grow. Without a certain amount of growth, accumulating enough money for retirement may very difficult to  Read More →
[VIDEO] Market Update & 3 Tips for Pre-Retirees
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The market has always experienced ups and downs, but these fluctuations can magnify fears as one nears retirement, especially if the markets are down. Check out these three tips to help keep you on track as you near retirement. Representatives offer products and services using the following business names: Summit Group of Virginia LLP –  Read More →
The SECURE Act: How it Impacts You and Your Family
In late December 2019, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law one of the most robust retirement reform bills in over a decade, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. The primary goal of this legislation was to make saving for retirement easier for working Americans. Although much of the legislation  Read More →

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