Fiduciary Governance

401(k) or 403(b)? Best Choice for a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
403(b)s and 401(k)s share more similarities than they do differences, however the glaring difference is that 403(b)s are exclusive to nonprofit organizations. Many think that nonprofits must utilize a 403(b) when choosing a retirement plan vehicle for their employees, but this is a commonly held misbelief. In fact, many nonprofit organizations have established 401(k)s in recent  Read More →
Beware of the IRS and DOL: Red Flags They Seek on the Form 5500
The Form 5500 is an ERISA requirement for retirement plans to report and disclose operating procedures to the Department of Labor. Each plan intending to comply with ERISA must file a Form 5500 annually. Auditors use these filings to confirm that plans are managed according to ERISA standards. The form also allows individuals access to  Read More →
Content & Frequency of Retirement Plan Committee Meetings
Most committees wonder, “How frequently should we meet?” Larger or more complex plans usually decide that quarterly meetings are more than sufficient. However, smaller plans and those with minimal activity may be satisfied with only one or two meetings per year, so long as meetings occur with adequate frequency to handle items critical to properly  Read More →

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